PROFILES.REGI[Enter]Make selection--then press the [Enter] key, or[Escape]Press the [Escape] key to return to Menu R E G I T - S A L E S T A X <- <- <- <- <--> -> -> -> -> - B-> -> -> -> Error #: <- <- <- <--> -> -> -> DEVICE FAULTPRINTER OFF-OUT OF PAPER-OFF LINEDEVICE I/O ERRORDISK MEDIA ERRORDISK NOT READYDISK WRITE PROTECTEDDEVICE UNAVAILABLE DISK FULL! DEVICE TIME OUTFILE NOT FOUNDRETURNING TO MENU##.###% Invalid sales tax entry! -- Try Again!rRROUND .5 AND ABOVE UPROUND DOWNROUND UPROUNDING METHOD: Up] rounds to the nearest cent.the customer until a complete cent is owed. [Round .5 and abovecustomer to the next complete cent. [ROUND DOWN] will not charge[ROUND UP] forces any fraction of a cent of sales tax owed by aENTER TAX RATE:
XX.#####tax is to be 6.5%, then enter either
.Two methods can be used to enter sales tax. For example, if theSYS0.EXEAutomatic Sales Tax Function is now -- OFF -- oOOFFONAUTOMATIC SALES TAX FUNCTION: L16 N55L16 N40 N25;